Technical Committee of 3rd Emirates Energy Award (EEA) holds its 1st meeting to review participations

The technical committee of the Emirates Energy Award (EEA), which organised under the patronage of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, under the theme “Innovative solutions for clean energy”, held its first meeting in the headquarter of Dubai Supreme Council of Energy (DSCE). The meeting was led by Dr. Eassa Al Bastaki, chairman of the technical committee, in addition to the committee members, Saeed Al Abbar, Chairman of Emirates GBC, Habiba Al Marashi, Chairperson of the Emirates Environmental Group, Taher Diab, Secretary General of EEA, technical committee coordinator among other assessors experts.
Members of the committee reviewed during the meeting the applications received by Dubai Supreme Council of Energy to participate in the 3rd edition of EEA. The number of applications has doubled this year compared to participation applications in the previous cycle of the award. The applications were received from 21 countries from MENA region as well as international countries such as: USA, Finland, India, Portugal, Germany and Sweden, which demonstrates the remarkable position of the award on both regional and global levels.
“EEA 2017 is organised in line with the directives of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to support the regional and international efforts to apply renewable energy solutions and move into a green economy. In this regard, we ensured this year to build on our successes in the previous two cycles of the award. Looking at the number and the diversity of the applications we received this year, we can say that EEA is well positioned as a leading event that support innovation in the energy field,” said HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, Vice-Chairman of the DSCE, and President of EEA.
“EEA plays pivotal role in encouraging the scientific researches, and adopting innovative energy solution in the whole region. EEA’s mission is more important now than ever. It’s our responsibility as organisors to make sure that the award will fulfill its purpose and provide important platform to showcase latest initiatives and projects in clean and renewable energy fields in MENA region,” added Al Tayer.
“The increase in the number of participants in this edition of EEA reflects the countries’ tireless efforts to adopt renewable energy compared with conventional sources of energy. DSCE supports all the regional and global efforts to adopt best innovative solutions in the renewable energy sector, preserve energy and water, and protect environment,” said H.E. Ahmad Butti Al Muhairbi, Secretary-General of Dubai Supreme Council of Energy and Vice Chairman of Executive Committee of EEA.
“In the last 4 years, EEA supported many programmes and projects by showcasing the achievements and innovative projects for both individuals and private organisations in MENA,” added Al Muhairbi.
Dr. Eassa Al Bastaki, Chairman of the technical committee of EEA said that applicants who participated in the award included projects and programmes in various energy sectors such as: energy efficiency, renewable energy, Research and Development, best practices, finding solutions for sustainable energy resources, in addition to moving to low-carbon print economy and sustainable development as per the directives of the wise leadership.
The technical committee of EEA plans to complete its assessments and choose the candidates list by end of July, before submitting the selections to the DSCE Board for final approval. The EEA ceremony is planned to take place in Dubai in October 2017 in conjunction with World Green Economy Summit in Dubai.